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Mauri Media is a digital media company specializing in multiplatform brand development. We merge indigenous values with innovative creation practices to breathe life into stories that resonate with audiences. Our team of skilled professionals is passionate about storytelling and committed to exploring new ways to communicate ideas.


We believe every story is unique and deserves to be told in a way that honours its origins and connects with modern audiences. Whether you want to create a new brand, develop engaging content, or explore new ways of telling your story, Mauri Media has the expertise and experience to help you achieve your goals.

Halftone Image of Crowd


marketing & Branding

We work with organizations and brands to develop a top of the line marketing strategy, and develop their brand assets.

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We are an independent television production company, We have developed and released series in Aotearoa, and have our sights set on the global stage. 

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digital media

We are specialists in multiplatform digital media production. We have our finger on the pulse with what is going on in New Media.

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Post-production studios

Looking for high-quality post-production services? Look no further! Our team of experts is here to help you bring your vision to life. From color grading to sound design, we've got you covered. 

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Tēnā Koe!

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© 2023 Mauri Media Ltd.

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